The fear of the Lord

What we do not understand, we fear. What we fear, we tend to worship.What we worship control us.

A very Blessed Birthday to everyone who were born in March!
(plus Jolynn)
The Cup-cakes that were made for them that day by Evangeline and Priscilla.
Blue icing for blue cup-cakes!

The pretty cup-cakes!

Each of the cupcakes have an alphabet which says: HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Those who were born in March!
Petra (whose birthday was at that same day!), Hannah, Charissa, Faith and Danielle!

Mess up time!!
I hope everyone enjoyed the cup-cake!

Thanks to Auntie Ruth and her family for opening her house!
God bless you and have a great week ahead.


  1. Hey Phoebe,

    The post is so nice! So colourful and pretty... And meaningful too:) Great job! Haha. Happy birthday everyone! (to Charissa, Faith, Petra and Hannah - and Gabrielle too, although her birthday is coming later this month)

    Love, Danielle

  2. Yup, Happy birthday Charissa, Faith, Petra, Hannah and Gabrielle!! Sorry I can't celebrate with you, but hope you have a great Birthday!!

    Lots of love,

  3. haha...yeah!!
    i finally get to see the end result of the beautiful cupcakes!!
    so wonderful and pretty
    so B-E-A-UITUL just like all of you!!
    blessed birthday all you MARCH BABIES girls:)
    God bless you indeed and may He shine His face upon you all. whatsoever your havd findeth to do do it with all your might.
    God bless you!!!

  4. Dear Jolynn,
    Happy belated Birthday to you!

    Charissa :D

  5. That was a great day!See u all next bright lights meeting!
    Love all,


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