A Polka-Dotted Thank You Card

When I think of appreciation, this story always comes into mind. As one writer concluded, "If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?" 

More recently, there was this other true story that made a similar point. The value of the painting was based on how much it was appreciated - to art collectors, six figure sums, to others, $60.

If we would only take the time to think about it, it would be easy to come up with a long list of people we need to thank but haven't. Let me make this easy for you...download the file below, put some white card stock into your printer, print it out and cut it into half. Fold it and there is your card! Now, you can spend all the time you saved making the card on writing a heartfelt note! Have fun!

>> Free Download: A Polka-Dotted Thank You Card PDF

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