A few basic concepts and commitments:
- If we truly desire God's best in our marriage, not only must we be willing to wait for God's choice, we must also be preparing ourselves to be the best marriage partner that we can be. The way to find a mate is not to look but to prepare.
- Christians must marry Christians - "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?" II Corinthians 6:14
- God works through authorities (our parents and those He has put as authorities over you) so we should choose to follow our parents' direction and work together with them.
- Rather than beginning the painful cycle of dating and breaking up, wait for the Lord to bring the right person into your life.
- Be commited to the highest standards of purity so that you will be able to tell your future mate you saved everything for him.

This is a looong marshmallow stick that Evangeline brought back from her trip to Italy! It was very sweet of her to buy things for us - we got a whole bunch of stuff, besides some of the marshmallows. :)

We all had a good time of fellowship at Bright Lights. Also, it was the Robertson's last time attending our meeting!:) May God bless your week!
*pictures by phoebe!
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