A Random Update

How long has it been since we've continuously posted stuff??
It's been very long...though Jolynn posted something on one of our meetings in March:) 
And so, I decided that I would just write a little something to declare that yes, we're still having Bright Lights meetings, and yes, we're still learning more about the word of God!:) 
We've had a few new friends join us, while a lot of our old friends have gone overseas or elsewhere. Bright Lights has changed somewhat from last time, but we still have lots of laughter and good fellowship every fortnight:)
We also have gone back to the beginning of Set 1 for the sake of those who weren't here when we last did Set 1.
Last week, we learnt about developing a disciplined walk with God. John Wesley said, "Do not seek after a ministry, rather anticipate the fruit of a disciplined life."
We were encouraged to purpose to keep some new disciplines as well as the ones we already have. Being disciplined is not getting a punishment; it is instead a healthy habit.
It is also getting a closer relationship with God, which is the most precious thing we can seek after.
Some disciplines to consider are:
01 Bible reading
02 Prayer
03 Fasting
04 Memorization
05 Meditation
06 Honouring the Lord's Day
07 Giving
08 Witnessing
09 Early rising
10 Modesty
11 Listening to good music
12 Wise internet use
I love what was said about giving: 10 things we can give that cost no money... a warm loving smile, a precise word of praise, a verbal blessing, a word of encouragement, a note of encouragement, a fervent prayer they request, a listening heart and ear, a good report to others about them, a recognition of a birthday, a word of comfort during sorrow.
As you go about your daily life, you can give to others by noticing them and giving them one of these ten things mentioned above, and you might make someone's day:)
The next Bright Lights meeting is this Monday, 18th May 2009. Check the email for details!:)
Meanwhile, we will try our best to post more often. LOL:)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!more posts! ThAnKyOu for updating Danielle:)
    Thank God you girls are gowing more like Jesus!


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